3-5 Oct 2023 Châtenay-sur-Seine (France)

Important information

The workshop will be held from Oct. 3 to Oct. 5 in La Pépinière (Chatenay sur Seine, ~1h from Paris).

Participation is free but registration is required.

Registration is open until July 15. On-site participation is limited to 40 participants (registrations confirmed upon approval).

Remote participation will be possible for the talks.


Workshop theme

 The theme of the workshop is to explore how we can combine geodetic and seismological constraints together to understand the faulting mechanisms responsible for aseismic slip across a range of tectonic contexts.The workshop will focus on the parameters controlling slow and fast rupture modes through observational, numerical and experimental approaches.

The workshop is being organized as part of a new International Research Project SlowFaults, collaborative project between MIT in the USA and several institutions in France: ISTerre (Grenoble), ENS Paris, and ITES (Strasbourg).  IRP SlowFaults is a 5-years project funded by CNRS to facilitate collaborative research between these institutions. The workshop is cofinanced by CNRS-IRP and the MIT MISTI fund.

Organizing commitee:

  • Camilla Cattania (MIT)
  • William Frank (MIT)
  • Romain Jolivet (ENS Paris)
  • Piero Poli (U. Padova)
  • Mathilde Radiguet (ISTerre)
  • Baptiste Rousset (ITES)



 The workshop will be structured to facilitate new collaborations between all of the participating research groups, including Keynote talks, poster sessions, and breakout discussions. All participants are encourage to bring a poster.

Keynote speakers (confirmed):

  • Olivier Lengliné (ITES, France)
  • Rachel Abercombie (Boston University, USA)
  • Nikolai Shapiro (ISTerre, France)
  • Robert Viesca (Tuft Universtity)
  • Dimitri Zigone (ITES, France)
  • Leonard Seydoux (IPGP, France)
  • Matej Pec (MIT, USA)
  • Alexandre Schubnel (ENS, France)




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